*Personal Trainer + *Nutrition Coach

*Fitness Lunch Box (for 14 day minimum) OPTIONAL


Complementary Therapies for Empowered Menopause: Embracing Vitality and Limitless Living


In menopause.vip, I am devoted to empowering women over 40 to embrace menopause with vitality and experience life without limitations. My passion lies in offering top-tier complementary therapies that encompass neurophysiological auriculotherapy and personalized nutritional coaching. As a leading expert in this field, we are committed to providing comprehensive support to women during their transformative journey through menopause.

In this article, we delve into the concept of ear seeds and its manifold benefits for women’s health, shedding light on how our holistic approach can significantly enhance your well-being and quality of life.

Embracing Ear Seeds : Empowering Women’s Health:

Ear Seeds, also known as ear acupuncture or auricular therapy, is a powerful healing technique rooted in traditional Chinese medicine. It revolves around the belief that the ear serves as a microsystem that reflects the entire body. The ear is densely packed with numerous acupressure points, each corresponding to specific organs, systems, or bodily functions.

Our neurophysiological auriculotherapy technique involves the gentle stimulation of these acupressure points using specialized tools or microcurrent stimulation. By doing so, we can restore the flow of vital energy, or Qi, throughout the body, promoting balance and healing. Auriculotherapy has been found effective in addressing a wide range of health concerns, especially those associated with menopause.

The Benefits of Ear Seeds for Women’s Health:

Hormonal Balance: Menopause is characterized by hormonal fluctuations, which can lead to various uncomfortable symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings. Ears Seeds helps regulate hormonal imbalances, alleviating these symptoms and promoting emotional stability

Stress Reduction: Menopause can be a stressful phase in a woman’s life, with physical and emotional changes taking a toll. Ears Seeds stimulates the release of endorphins, the body’s natural “feel-good” chemicals, promoting relaxation and reducing stress and anxiety.

Improved Sleep: Sleep disturbances are common during menopause. Ear Seeds sessions can improve sleep quality, helping women wake up feeling refreshed and revitalized.

Bone Health: Menopause can accelerate bone loss, increasing the risk of osteoporosis. Ear Seeds aids in enhancing calcium absorption and bone density, safeguarding bone health.

Libido Enhancement: Fluctuating hormones can dampen libido during menopause. Ear Seeds can help reignite the spark by rebalancing hormonal levels and enhancing overall vitality.

Weight Management: Many women struggle with weight gain during menopause. Ear Seeds can support weight management efforts by curbing cravings and promoting a healthy metabolism.

Headache and Migraine Relief: Ear Seeds offers a drug-free approach to relieve headaches and migraines, providing lasting relief without side effects.

Empowering Women Through Personalized Exercises: A Journey to Menopause Well-Being

Welcome to our sanctuary of health, vitality, and well-being! At our small group of dedicated women personal trainers, we understand the unique challenges that women face during the transition to menopause. We offer unwavering support and personalized exercise programs that aim to control and eliminate the distressing symptoms that often precede this natural phase of life. Our mission is to empower women to embrace menopause gracefully and embark on a journey of self-discovery and holistic wellness.

Embracing the Menopause Journey

Menopause, though a natural part of every woman’s life, can be an overwhelming experience. Hot flashes, mood swings, sleep disturbances, weight gain, and other symptoms can create havoc in one’s daily life. It is a time when women need more than just physical exercise; they need emotional support, understanding, and tailored workout routines that address their unique needs.

Empowerment through Personalized Exercises

At our personal training center, I take a compassionate approach to menopause, recognizing that every woman’s journey is different. Our team of skilled and empathetic trainers will work with you individually to develop personalized exercise plans that cater to your body’s changing requirements. Whether you are a fitness enthusiast or someone who’s just starting on the path to wellness, we will design a program that suits your fitness level and health goals.

  1. Holistic Fitness Assessment
    Our journey together begins with a comprehensive holistic fitness assessment. We believe that understanding your body’s strengths and areas of improvement is crucial in crafting a tailored exercise plan. Our assessment includes a review of your medical history, lifestyle, fitness preferences, and specific menopausal symptoms you may be experiencing. Armed with this knowledge, we can create a roadmap that targets your well-being from all angles.
  2. Mind-Body Connection
    Menopause is not just a physical change; it’s a deeply emotional one too. We recognize the significance of the mind-body connection during this phase. Through mindfulness exercises, yoga, and meditation, we encourage you to find inner peace, reduce stress, and build emotional resilience. Cultivating a positive mindset is as important as physical fitness on this journey.
  3. Cardiovascular Health
    Maintaining cardiovascular health is crucial as women age, and it becomes even more significant during menopause. Our trainers will introduce you to enjoyable cardiovascular activities like dancing, cycling, or swimming, helping you build endurance, burn calories, and improve heart health.
  4. Strength Training
    Strength training plays a pivotal role in countering the muscle loss that often accompanies menopause. Our personalized strength training exercises will target different muscle groups, enhancing bone density, improving posture, and boosting overall strength.
  5. Flexibility and Balance
    As hormone levels fluctuate, women might experience a decline in flexibility and balance. Our specialized exercises, including stretching and balance-enhancing movements, will help you maintain agility, reduce the risk of injuries, and enhance your overall sense of stability.

The Power of Community

At our personal training center, we foster a strong sense of community among women. We believe that sharing experiences and supporting each other creates a nurturing environment for growth. When you join us, you become part of a sisterhood of women who understand your journey and are ready to uplift and encourage you.

Our Commitment to Excellence

Excellence is not just a word; it’s our way of life. We are committed to providing you with the highest quality of service and unwavering support on your menopause well-being journey. Our trainers stay updated on the latest research and fitness trends to ensure that you receive the most effective and safe workout routines.

Unlocking Your Full Potential

Menopause is not an end, but a new beginning. It’s an opportunity for women to embrace their strength, wisdom, and beauty. Our personalized exercise programs will help you rediscover yourself, reconnect with your body, and unlock your full potential.

So, are you ready to embark on this transformative journey towards menopause well-being? Join us, and together, we will create a life filled with health, vitality, and joy.

Guidance for a Balanced Diet: Nutritional Coaching for Women:

Addition to our auriculotherapy sessions and personal fitness, we provide specialized nutritional coaching to complement the healing process. As a certified nutritional coach, we believe in the power of food as medicine and its profound impact on overall well-being. Our personalized nutritional plans are designed to nourish your body, support hormonal balance, and enhance your vitality.

Empowering Women: Living Life Without Limitations:

In menopause.vip, our mission is to empower women to embrace menopause as a transformative journey that can lead to a life filled with vitality and possibilities. Our neurophysiological auriculotherapy and personalized nutritional coaching are carefully crafted to cater to the unique needs of women over 40, helping them navigate menopause with grace and confidence.


As you embark on your menopausal journey, it’s essential to seek holistic and empowering support that focuses on your well-being. In menopause.vip, our neurophysiological auriculotherapy and personalized nutritional coaching offer a transformative approach that addresses your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Embrace menopause with vitality, and unlock a life without limitations. Experience the power of auriculotherapy and nutritional coaching today, and reclaim your zest for life!

Thank you for being here.

Penha Cristina Mullett
Brazilian Holistic Therapist

AADP Member
IPHM Member

Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach Certificate

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